< ANIMALS :: Visualize & Publish | Xn | TECHNOLOGY>
Looking to enhance your student's learning
Reading Creates WonderTM Series:
Language Arts
Learn strategies to write your essay: draw a mind, idea or thinking map
Foreign Words
Figurative Language
Prefix, Suffix & Sentences
Writing :: Visualize & Publish
Extension activities that can be incorporated with this project:
Phonemic Awareness
- Decoding & Word Recognition
- Writing Strategies

< View Monster Gallery | Figurative Language | Foreign Words |
Misspelled | Vocabulary | Thinking Maps | Triorama | Technology >

math wonder | soc. stud | science | thematic unit | learn & play |

Integrating technology with literature: Officer Buckle and Gloria
appreciate | animal drawing |reading gallery | artsy fartsy | you hungry?
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Reading Creates Wonder™